How To Wear Your Regalia

How To Wear A Hood

All Masters and Ph.D. graduation outfits require a colored hood to be worn along with the cap and gown. These hoods are easiest to put on when the graduate has a friend or family member assisting them. The hood should be put over the head, velvet side facing out, with the smaller, tapered end in front of the body and the wider end at the back. Inside the front of the gown, at the top of the zipper track, is a button to which the front cord of the hood should be attached to in order to prevent the hood from slipping backward. Ensure that the sides of the hood are draped flatly and evenly over the shoulders. Similarly, on the back of the hood there is a cord and button that should also be attached together to prevent the hood from slipping forward. Lastly, the velvet below the cord at the back should be flipped outward to expose the colored silk lining.

How To Care For Regalia

Caring for a commencement gown is not the same as caring for normal clothing. Because the material of the gown is very delicate, washing should be avoided. Dry cleaning is the only way to keep the gown clean and in good condition. If the gown is wrinkled, it should not be ironed in the same way that traditional garments are ironed. A steamer is the best appliance to use on this gown to take out the wrinkles, however, for those who do not own a steamer, simply hanging the gown in a steamy room will provide the same results. If an iron must be used, it should be set to the lowest heat setting. To protect any especially delicate pieces of the garment, the gown should be turned inside out before ironing, and any cording or velvet should be avoided.